
sunday Services

9 am | 11am | livestream available on Youtube & facebook

WE EXIST to lead people like you into a growing relationship with Jesus!

What drives our mission is the finished work of Christ (the gospel). Pursuing this mission doesn't earn us anything. We go after the mission as a response to the life-changing grace of God. Ultimately, this is Jesus' mission. He's building His church, and He calls and equips us to join Him in his supernatural disciple-making mission. We think it's the most exciting thing anyone could be a part of.

At Grace Point, each week you have the opportunity to encounter God in community with others.  That’s why every worship service we sing songs together and listen to practical teaching in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere. During our services, we also offer fun and engaging programs for kids from birth through 6th grade.


Our Beliefs

A brief history

In June 1976, a small church was planted by Rev. Earl Jantz in a subdivision of Topeka known as Fairlawn Heights. Fairlawn Heights Wesleyan Church officially launched September 19, 1976. The church has been a life-giving home of hope and joy under the leadership of Rev. Tom Kinnan (1981-89), Rev. Ed Rotz (1989-2007), and Rev. Tim Hughes (2007-current). Jesus is on the move in and through Grace Point. He is renewing, restoring, and redeeming people and families. The Grace Point story is just beginning to unfold and you can play an important role in it!

Grace Point is affiliated with The Wesleyan Church and is aligned with the Kansas District of the Wesleyan Church. Our beliefs can be accurately referred to as "Wesleyan" theologically in view of God, the Bible, sin, and salvation.