Adult Groups

sunday Services

9 am | 11am** | **livestream available on Youtube & facebook


At Grace Point, we believe that life is best lived in community with others who are pursuing Jesus. Simply put, life change happens best when sitting in a circle of friends than it does while sitting in rows with strangers. That's why we want to encourage connections and build relationships with others around us.

There are many kinds of small groups offered each Fall and Spring--from outdoor groups to book studies and Bible studies. Small groups are the best place to truly belong, to celebrate the joys, and to weather the storms of life with others.

small groups

We believe everyone who calls Grace Point home should have a small group of friends who work out their faith together. Most groups form around natural life stages or interests such as: location, age/stage, couples, singles, or interests. Groups range in size from 6 to 16 adults. We're here to help you give your faith some friends by either joining an existing small group or helping you start one.
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D-group stands for a "discipleship" groups. These groups are smaller than a small group and are focused on making and multplying disciples. They are gender-specific groups of 3-5 men or women who meet weekly for interactive Bible reading, accountability, and prayer. These groups are typically by invitation, but anyone can be trained to start a D-group. Click the link below for more information.

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