
sunday Services

9 am | 11am | livestream available on Youtube & facebook

jesus wants a relationship with everyone, especially kids.

Our children's ministry, KidsPoint, creates fun and engaging environments where we present biblical truths through worship, games, and interactive learning. We help kids to trust God no matter what, treat others the way Jesus would, and to always make the wise choice.

Kids environments are available at the same time as the adult services. We also create unique opportunities throughout the year for children and their families to participate in. KidsPoint is available for children birth-6th grade.

We also want to partner with parents so kids are growing in their relationship with Jesus at home too. The average church has 40 hours a year to influence kids. The average parent has 3,000 hours. The KidsPoint team provides materials each week to help parents disciple their kids at home.

Babies & Toddlers | 8 weeks up to 3 yrs

The Nest is our weekly environment uniquely designed for infants and toddlers. Qualified and caring volunteers love on, pray and care for the little ones. Our goal is to ensure that your child is cared for so you can worship, worry-free.

preschool | 3 yrs to pre-k

The Hollow is for preschoolers. We believe in an interactive, hands-on approach to learning so you can plan on a lot of jumping, singing, dancing, and laughter in every experience. In this environment children will learn the 3 most important lessons - God loves me; God made me; Jesus wants to be my friend forever.

elementary | K to 4th grade

We believe that learning to love God and follow Jesus should never, ever be boring! Which is why The Fort is a fun, engaging place for kindergarten through 4th grade. We learn though stories, lessons, games, activities, and small groups. It's in this phase of life we emphasize 3 truths - I can trust God no matter what; I need to make the wise choice; I need to treat others the way I want to be treated.

Parents, Don't miss it!

Let's begin with some truth-telling: Parenting is challenging!

Teaching our kids to find and follow Jesus for their whole life is equally difficult!

But it doesn't have to be. We want to partner with you to help you lead your kids into a growing relationship with Jesus over time. Your child's 18th birthday makes up 6,570 days! That calculates to 936 weeks or only 216 months. Our Family Ministry team wants nothing more than to equip you to parent your kids well through each phase of life. Each day, week, and year is an opportunity.

Don't miss it!



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