
sunday Services

9 am | 11am** | **livestream available on Youtube & facebook

tandem Youth | 7th-12th grade

At Grace Point, we know that our Tandem student ministry is an important part of our church family and is for 7th-12th grade students. Led by an incredible team with excellent teachings, fun games, and excellent leaders, we prioritize the growth of our middle school and high school students and help them take their next right step in faith with Jesus.

When students believe they are made in God's image, it can impact how they...

...make decisions
...use technology
...view sexuality
...see their parents
...treat their body
...and care about people.

Join us Wednesdays | 6-8pm

Enter under the red awning on the north side of the building.



(Click to purchase)


Tandem Bake Auction

The Tandem Bake Auction is the one fundraiser we do each year to send our students to camp and conferences. 

There are three ways to participate…just remember the 3 B’s.

BAKE - Bake yummy treats (cakes, cookies, breads, etc.)

BRING - Bring them to the church by 1 p.m. on Bake Auction Day

BUY - Come back at 5:00 for dinner and the opportunity to buy delicious delicacies in both a silent and live auction. 

This is one of the zaniest events of the year and it all benefits our teens. If you are planning on bringing a baked good, please complete and bring the form below with you for each item contributed. Forms are also available in the Connection Center.