Multiply Part 1 - The Journey Starts Here

sunday Services

9 am | 11am** | **livestream available on Youtube & facebook

Jan. 07, 2024

Multiply Part 1: The Journey Starts Here

You and I are part of the fulfillment of God’s promise to Abraham. The promise was that kings, nations, and the whole world would be blessed through this one man’s family. However, the last piece of the promise is the most important: the coming of Jesus, the Messiah, who has blessed all of humanity. Jesus made a way for all of humanity to be counted among God’s righteous children. In Matthew 28 Jesus gave us the new way for multiplication: discipling others to follow him. That is the Church’s way of being fruitful and multiplying as we bless all nations with the gospel.

(This series was based on a series of the same title by JD Greear)