Part 5: A Lethal Infection

sunday Services

8:15am | **9:45am | 11:15am | **livestream available on Youtube & facebook

Jul. 05, 2020


James: A Faith That Works: Part 5 - A Lethal Infection

Our words determine the course of our lives and affect the environment and course of the lives of others. We need to realize the positive and negative potential of our words and how what we say affects others.

1. Why is it easier to remember the negative words than the positive words that have been spoken to us?

2. In which relationship(s) do you most often find yourself losing control of your mouth? Have you faced any relational consequences as a result?

3. It’s difficult to come to grips with how powerful our words can be. In which of the following areas do you need the most help?

    Remember: recognize your words are powerful

    Surrender: continually ask God to help you 

    Confess: don’t explain or excuse, but own the fires you start